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Avatar seit: 2007-06-18
Age: 31
United States - OK
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"luv is hopeless X.x"

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hello my name is JAMES but u can call me jimmy and welcom to my rockin pg. yes i do skate , nd im not half bad lolzzzz and as u can see my avi is hot just like me , yes very hot *vein*. if u dont think that than get tha hell off my pg . hav a nice day, it could be ur last :D P.S.if u dont know me than u should know im a playa so u need to know if u think that going out with two people is wrong than ur not for me *srry but true* :P Myspace Layouts

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now i dont really ask for much but pleazzzzz if u hav the chance get me somethin and ill be like ur slave or somethin for awhile >
Enhanced Black WolfVamp Gore (Def.)Scalable BonfireMystic Cuddle Float C[ACS]SURF BOARD-ANIMATED
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