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* Produkt ODER Musik als Geschenk auswählen
Hinweis: Geschenke können nur mit Credits bezahlt werden.
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This Home Page looks best with windows IE, 1024 x 768
Resolution and for people who own their name.
If you've had a bunch of self absorbed, over compensating, attention whoring, egomaniacs with avatar pics over the 160 x 220px limit, then this code will come in very handy for you. Perfect for all pannels with guest avatars, (friends, comments, visitors,) it keeps their images 80 x 110, regardless of their size. Thank you TitaScorpio for showing me this code!
Due to the text box not working, please click on the image below for the codes. Click for code
Meine Wunschliste
If you're buying something for me from my wishlist, I'd rather it be a useful item rather than a sticker but never the less, THANK YOU ALL! You guys spoil me. =D
Reasons why you were refused: #1. I've never chatted with you before. #2. You don't speak English. #3. You've been rude/demanding/perverted with me. #4. YOU BEGGED/ASKED/HINTED ME TO BUY YOU CRAP!
I won't add people I've never spoken to. It's nothing personal but adding people you've never talked to before, leads to a lot of dead weight on ones contact list.
Whomever has the rose frame over their avatar, is my best friend(s). (More frames will be bought when I can afford it.)