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Avatar since: 25.07.2008

Age: 31
United States - FL
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I Live life as if my fate is tomorrow! (:
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Hey duderz!! wats up? My name is Jason Bryan Gonzles. Her name is Kristen and she is the love of my life 4 ever!!!! Im a rlly easy person to talk to i have been told. But im still in love wif my long gone freind who pasted away. he died of sum type of cancer i rember him telling me that he went to class passed at then went to sleep i miss him dearly. other than that my b day is n december n u figure out wat year haha u should know :)(()( but leave a mesage if not just think about howq un loved i have just felt haha :)) well girls soo taken so dont mess wif me and guys dont flirt wif em i see uover there jk :OOO haha and i love to skateboard btw n cookies r mine so u know wat fuk of my cookies haha. ni u dont like me oooo well :) we all have and enemy right? P.s love makign new freinds. so always welcoem to become my bestie :) well im out My quotes: No one leaves this earth amd virgin cause life has already fuked u Kung Pow Chicken! cookie me emo :))) i love u even tho ur a bitch Life is short so have fun and live ur life!!
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CARUKI-hello vistors this girl is my wifey for life special sum 1 isnt working :( ily bby ur my heart 4 life :)
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