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Jesus is my special someone.. Where ever I goes he's right there... My path is lit with his light.. The Savior of the World... He's my everything... No earthly person is like him... He never lies to me and always makes me feel special... I love him, I owe him my life eternal...
My Speical Someone
I have found a very interesting gentle man who loves Jesus as much as I do... He is a wonder.. A diamond in the rough... A pearle .. He is my some one speical... His name is Victor Chistian... He reads and studies from the KJV only ... A man after my own heart... We get along great....
I love AerithGainborough7:
She Is the Rose
Even though Aerith doesn't believe in herself she give others strengths that they didn't even know had...She is the Rose that Bette Midler sings of...
She completes me and gives me strength...She is my Angel and the wind beneath my wings... She is all I wished I could be..She is a true Angel I'm so proud to know her in real live... She is a barrel of laughs and she keeps my spirit soaring...Higher than I could ever be... She is Steadfast to the family...With her you know your number 1 always... With out her in my life.. My life would be empty and lost... She keeps the Home fires burning...
I love Seaca:
She is more than most .. A girl who like Aerith stands steadfast to family..She is the little princess.. She is loved by all who meet her and knows her..She makes some of the most awesome pictures and video's on imvu..
Truthluvr and TC
I love Truthluvr:
She is my Sister in Christ Jesus.. I never walk alone because of her and TC.. The most special two people here on imvu... My Brother and Sister in Christ.. I trust in them .. They hold me close to God when I can't hold myself... They are beside me each step of the way... Always with a kind word and wonderful Bible scripture.... I will never find any others like them.. For they are both one of a kind... Speical in every way... Both speically blessed of God... Our Heavenly Father brought us together.. Let no man tare us under... I thank them for the kindness and friendship and Sistership... To them Forever thankful.... God Bless them both.. Im glad they have gotten married...
Davi Lee Graham Crites
But the one who truly has my heart is Davi Lee Graham Crites.. He is my true sweetheart...He is just about 16 months old and what a little doll he is .. Walkin around like struting his stuff... He is Awesome...He is son to one of my best friend's Seaca and David...
Über mich
HolyWarriorOfGod Avatar since: 6.04.2007
Female United States Last log on:
Tomorrow may be to late
Relationship Status: Married Looking For: Friendship
All statements on this page are protected by the 1st Amendment of America
Welcome to my place. I am HolyWarriorOfGod...
I hope you enjoy this page, Its For you!
... I want you all to understand that the age posted here is not true or correct or any other information you might think your getting... I will not tell anyone an personal information Or who I truly am, or where I live... I will not give out my email address, phone numbers or any other personal information to any one... I may tell you things, Its up to you do decide wheather you believe its true or not....
I want to say I don't appreciate coming into a room with NAKED people or Men in them..So if you think I will talk to you in that manner.. Know This I do not have an AP Pass for SEX... I don't believe in Cyber SEX of any kind... I have my pass to be able to say THANK YOU to those who have purchased my products...If they'd like to keep their sites locked... Thank you ...
One Truth is, I am a Saved Christian, And have been for a while... I love the King James Bible and study that one and only .IMO..
Please feel free to talk to me about Jesus if you have any questions...
I have one dog and one Cats ... I love working with people. I have wonderful friends to spend time with...
I came to IMVU to meet friends to chat about my true love... Thats Our Lord Jesus Christ..Please know "Ye Must Be Saved" ...
"Please understand that I did not come to meet a husband or lover...And I don't have sex cyber anything else"...
My life here is quiet and peaceful. Full of laying around listening to great music,and talking with other people and Angel friends.
I hope you come on in and sit down,leave a msg and we can chat..
We always looking for great Buddies for the buddy list and for the "Tag Angel Force"..."TAG"...
In this world or the real one I do love the Lord Jesus Christ, My Lord and Master....
This is HolyWarriorOfGods Home Page..
"I use my own credits, please use your own".."So Don't Ask".
It has been brought to my attention that Jesus didn't shun beggers.. I am sorry I don't mean to shun any one.. and if people wouldn't beg maybe other people would have the chance send them gifts because they are worthy enough friends to do so...
Please also understand that I am not Jesus... I am only human with human wants needs and desires...
I came here to IMVU to reach the unsaved for our Lord Jesus...
To Whom Might Be Interested in JOINING and ANGEL Guild:
Please feel free to ask me about it...
*.Soldiers Of Christ The Angel Guild.*
We have some great Groups.. Come and join the games and have some fun...
Join at the bottom of the HP.. Thanks Beth
Mein Raum
You are Entering the Jesus Zone..
A place where you can sit down and get away from those
All Welcome to Enter.. But please remember here we do HONOR
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savour..
It is not the Intent of this site to hurt any one of other faiths..
As I love to chat with other people about there faiths,believes,or Gods.
This is my opinion.. And each person has a right to theres...
This is a picture of Victor and Myself it is a room picture..Thank you
Please if you have any questions, Or would like to leave a comment please do so..Leave me an IM and I will try to answer it as quickly as I can..Thanks for the visit and i hope you enjoy HolyWarriorOfGod's Place....
If you have any questions on Salvation or the King James Bible please ask.
Salvation is a gift freely given to those who ask..
This is the Sinners Prayer.
Say this and email me so that I might be joyous as a new one has come home..
Almight Father God:
I know and acknowledge that I am a sinner.. I repent,right now of all my sins, and ask you to forgive me. You said in your word."Who soever shall call upon the Name of the Lord Shall be SAVED"
and so I am Calling on the Name of your son Jesus Christ to come into my heart and be my Savior---You also said :if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord" and beleve in your heart that God raised him from the dead. You will be saved"(Romans10-9) I Believe with all my heart that Jesus died for my sins and was raised from the dead so that I may have eternal life. I confess him right now as My Lord ... In the Name of Jesus Christ.... Amen
Thank you Again for visiting my Home Page it is made with love of our Lord Jesus Christ...
Come on in and sit down and have a little fun...ok Ready,On your mark,Get set, Go!!!
Welcome to My Outfit::
Hope u enjoy::
My Outfits
My Recent Visitors (2)
These are My Visitors:
Please leave a Message
I hope you like what you see and leave me a Message: And if you don't like what you see Please feel free to im me any way... May be we can talk about it...
I, HolyWarriorOfGod will no longer support or buy any thing from HolyOfHoly or JJ the Angel....
For those of you that like giving me gifts Please Understand I want NOTHING from either of them .... This is my decision and only mine...
Meine Rankings
Please enter at your own risk..Please understand that this is my belief and the... Information on these sites may anger
some people.For that I am Sorry But I have the Right to voice my owe I have the Right to My Own Opinion.I don't wish to hurt anyone... Thank you...
Please feel free to contact me about any thing you'd like.
With this site I will try to help you in any way i can please feel free to ask as question.
My prayer: Lord allow your light shine throught this page,Allow each person that see it grow in there own understanding... You are the truth and the way, the Light of your Son Jesus Christ I pray this pray..... Amen......
I love Dogs and Cats, animals of all type's...Kid's are great..My Birthday is in December and I love snow.. But I hate the cold..Springtime is my favorite time of year. I love to Swim and play in the water.. Camping and Dancing are right down my alley.. I love My Jesus.. He is my HERO... My Lover My LIFE...I love to read and study from the King James Bible..I want to know it more...To be a HolyWarriorOfGod.
I love IMVU.. I have found some really good friends here..I am Grateful to God for showing me the way...