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Daenerys Cooley
Yes he is cute. Yes he is taken. So fuck off.

Proud Wife and mother. Owner of XTEMPTATIONS Strip and Escort. (Which is hiring) Owner of Cooley Creations. Cooley Creations is a framing business right here on IMVU. If you have a picture you want up in your home, this is the right place for you. We have a wide variety of frames for reasonable costs. Interested? Just go into "Cooley Creation's Studio" or just look up MrsDaenerysCooley in the chat rooms!

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Meine Wunschliste
-I- C. Bridesmaid Crown-I- C. Bridemaid Bouquet-I- C. Bridesmaid Shoes-I- Celestia BridesmaidEmerald Edwardian Comb
-Ith- Pink Wysteria-Ith- Midnight Glow Halo-Ith- Midnight Glow-Ith-Fortuna Train Arwen-Ith-Fortuna Train StrFr
-Ith- Fortuna Arwen-Ith- Fortuna StarfireF| Gemieve OakF| Obreanna OakF| Raniya Oak
F| Prinrose OakF| Ulanilun OakF| Gomez 4 OakF| Gicolette OakF| Gamiltion Oak