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Hello! Nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Katie, I'm 20, and I'm kind of a big awkward baby lmao. I've been on IMVU since 2011, MAINLY under the account named "ThatSillyDork". Granted, I've left for extended periods of time between now and back then, so it's not like I've *actually* been here for the entirety of that time, but I *have* been an active member here for quite a few years. If we're to be honest right now, I don't really know why I'm here at the moment, given the fact that at the time of you reading this, I'm MOST LIKELY not even socializing with anybody here lmfao. And considering all of the friends I've made over the years are long gone from this hellhole, I have even *less* reason to be here... but I suppose that doesn't matter too much. I'm just... here, for better or for worse. Atleast until I decide that I'm done with this place all over again. Which may be soon after I finish with this unnecessary paragraph I'm typing for you lot right now. Oof... Ahem. Anyway. Personality wise, I'm often times sarcastic, occasionally maybe a bit moody, but typically very relaxed and chilled out. I should probably also mention that I curse like a madman a lot of times if I'm comfortable around you and feel it's okay. But, all in all, I would say I'm actually pretty friendly and am always willing to talk to new people... as long as the conversation is getting somewhere. No one likes a boring one-sided conversation. Nevertheless, please feel free to shoot me a message if you're interested in talking. "Message" being the key word here. Please refrain from random invites unless we know each other. I'm more likely to respond to you via message first AND THEN sit in a chat with you after the I've gauged who I'm dealing with. Er... Moving on! I love horror. Movies, games, manga, whatever it is, I tend love it. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a horror junkie (fun fact: that would explain why I choose to go by the username LtSpook {aka Lieutenant Spook}. It's because I love to keep it spooky bby ♥). As far as favorite horror movies go, I'd say a classic for me is Silence of the Lambs and/or Hannibal. Something about good ol' Hannibal Lecter keeps me well entertained. FYI if you're also a connoisseur of horror, I'd looove to hear your horror recommendations! Give me more spooky things to watch. It would reeeeally make my day and make for a great conversation. I listen to a lot of different music, and I'm not gonna try to pick favorites for them, but I will say that on a day to day basis I tend to lean more towards either rock or rap depending on the day. I *am* in fact an anime watcher, yes. I tend to watch romances, comedies, or horror-based shows, but every now and then I may get into something a little different. I also have a tendency to watch Korean and Japanese Dramas every now and then. Some things that I enjoy doing? I paint and draw... sometimes. It's nowhere near as much as I used to, but I still consider it an occasional hobby. I also really enjoy baking. At the moment my dream is to work at a little bakery and make cute decorative sweets. It'd be really rad to open my own and make it a little gothic aesthetic type bakery but I don't see that happening in my future at all, haha. I also play video games, of course. I have a PS4 (shut up) and will occasionally play PC games if there's something I'm interested in. I'm a biiiiig animal lover. I have a dog named Bune who is the epitome of being both lazy and rude, but I love him regardless. I like to think sometimes that he is a super exaggerated version of me in dog form. I also have (at the time of writing this) two leopard geckos, one african fat tail gecko, and three betta fish. Reptiles are really taking over my heart lately. There's so many more that I want but alas, can't have 'em all. I do want a bearded dragon, a crocodile skink, and an armadillo lizard one day as well though... a girl can dream. Well, that's all I really have for you at the moment. If you want to actually get to know me from a personal standpoint, just shoot me a message. I will get back to you as soon as I can, I promise. Thanks for sticking around to read all this! See ya soon! ❤
Since April 2017, I've been in a very happy relationship with the goodest boy in the whole world. ❤ ...I feel like it's implied that this is the part where I stick some cutesy picture here to commemorate our love, but honestly y'all? I am *way* too lazy for this shit, and he probably doesn't want his face on IMVU anyway since he doesn't use it, so just pretend you saw something cute or whatever here, yeah? Yeah. Awesome. Cool. Great. Buh bye.
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