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This is Faewynurme, (If your tongue happens to twist, call her Fae then, it happens to be her name... Tweaked a little, that is)
She's one who jams herself in work all week long... Then at times makes a few crappy stickers, works-out to keep her butt in shape, or just typing lame things into her blog on this Page. Other times, trying to play heroine to save Internet Radio... Oh well, that's life for a little web citizen with too much time in her hands... which is basically like many of the people out there... So... HECK! Moving on!
She does get bored at times... so she logs on the IMVU client and flirts away... yes, you can almost feel her smirking behind the monitor as she morphs into her terrible... and white, alter-ego...
She prowls around as a part-time angel, so she can get an extra source of (Holy) Income when she needs it.
Being an angel is tough business, she needs to take care of those "garbage-men" who have little creativity while starting a conversation, like giving her silly "questionaires" to fill up, "ASL" or "Intros"... Or Worse... Indecent requests right at the beginning of a chat like: "Hi... Let's ****!" (The Guilty, Ye Be WARNED!!!)
The Part-Time-Angel (P.T.A.) doesn't hestitate or hold back as tough love shall be swiftly dispensed, masquerading as a good serving of butt-kicking...
Don't feel daunted, she doesn't bite... often... just that... "I Speak Softly, but I carry a Big Stick, and I Use It Too!" applies well in the above case. Um... and... She wubs chocolate! (Seriously off topic, but since the author already had your attention, this is a perfect opportunity! *wink*)
She's easy to get along, see? ;) *Biff! Crunch!*
Author's Note: *Special Thank You to my darling 2VipeRS, for his great help in making this happen (the ideas, and concepts, and also the first unlucky victim for the screen cap shoot) in the very beginning *Hugz!* And also, the Beautiful Stranger, Lap2, for his sacrifice in letting me shoot an updated version of the PTA introduction with his very, very handsome Avatar!!! *Hugs and Kisses*
Goods and Products:
I WUB Stickers! and I make them, and I tout them! PNG Rulez!
You won't see a GIF sticker from me. I think, it's huge eekness with all those Horrendous Jagged Edges!
The stickers that I made are introduced at, and price capped at 200 credits (unless I slip into a financial crisis, haha). I hope that they would be as affordable for everybody as possible...
These are the current stickers on sale display... click on them to go to their respective product pages and for a full size preview..
Han/Kanji Text Blue Series (150 x 150) Size, 4 Stickers (so far...):
Han/Kanji Text Red Series (150 x 150) Size, 4 Stickers (so far...):
Spiralz Blue Series Medium (300 x 300) Size, 26 Stickers:
Spiralz (SB01M)
Spiralz (SB02M)
Spiralz (SB03M)
Spiralz (SB04M)
Spiralz (SB05M)
Spiralz (SB06M)
Spiralz (SB07M)
Spiralz (SB08M)
Spiralz (SB09M)
Spiralz (SB10M)
Spiralz (SB11M)
Spiralz (SB12M)
Spiralz (SB13M)
Spiralz (SB14M)
Spiralz (SB15M)
Spiralz (SB16M)
Spiralz (SB17M)
Spiralz (SB18M)
Spiralz (SB19M)
Spiralz (SB20M)
Spiralz (SB21M)
Spiralz (SB22M)
Spiralz (SB23M)
Spiralz (SB24M)
Spiralz (SB25M)
Spiralz (SB26M)
Modeling and Imaging Services for Female Avatar products are available, Click this link to request for a Queries and Quotation.
Modeling Portfolio:
[Section Ends here: Kind of a Long Page, isn't it?] :)
You are 10% Good and 90% Bad
As they say, good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere!
You make most bad girls look like angels - and have a hell of a time along the way.
Your Flirt Quotient
You are 80% Flirt
Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl
You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out.
Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it!
You Are More Like Angelina Jolie
Bad girl with a heart of gold.
You are smart, sexy, and strong willed.
You aren't against stealing another girl's man...
If he's better off with you!
You Are Bad Girl Sexy
Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot.
You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on.
And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you.
Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is.
You Are 17% Scary
You're so perfect that it actually is a little scary.
Men keep waiting for your dark side to appear, but it just doesn't exist!
You Should Wear a White Bikini
You have the genes to be the ultimate beach beauty, from your golden tan to your natural sun kissed highlights.
You don't need a fancy bikini to prove that you've got it going on.
What Your White Outfit Means
You're a natural beauty - and you never let your fashion steal the show.
You have a quiet confidence that you'll look great in almost anything.
While you may feel understated, men are attracted to your mystery.
Designer match: Gucci
Signature accessory: A cashmere scarf
You Were Naughty This Year
You Were 80% Naughty, 20% Nice
You may not have been good this year...
But you sure had a really good time.
And nothing from Santa could top that!
You Are Super Spicy
You're a little bit crazy, a little bit naughty, and a whole lot of sexy.
You go beyond hot - you set people's senses on fire!
Meine Freunde(16)
*Quick Note* I don't get on quite often these days and if I'm on, I'm usually in Buddies Only Mode (and usually I'm at office at those times so I won't be able to chat even... eek!) If you wanna buddy up with me, the best way to contact and know me is to leave me a *private message* (which tends to catch my attention better)... :)