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Über mich
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Avatar since: 2.11.2005

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...And how do you see yourself?
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting

Random Facts

  • Not Taking Requests ATM- sorry guys
  • I'm Currently Doing a Degree in IT: Application Development and Networking
  • I'm no longer on Dial up - Horray!
  • I'm still a Vegetarian
  • I'm a Linux User - K'Ubuntu is my Distro of choice
  • I love Films, Music, Computers and all other forms of media - well minus tabloids
  • My Page works best Under Ubuntu Linux, Using Firefox ...true!
  • I use a laptop, so if my colours seem too dark or light you will need to tell me
  • I was made a Pro-Developer for "artistic creativity" which is why you'll never see me on the top sales list!

  • Oh God Talk about Embarrassing...

    PirateOrc and TheToxicDarkness have started the ETHOS! (The Official Fan Club)


    So I'm back again...sorta, and it looks like theres been some huge changes on the IMVU front, which is great
    For those of you complaining about missing meshes, It has appeared that IMVU randomly hid a whole bunch of my products, gee thanks guys.. way to go IMVU, which explains why I kept finding similar meshes being created.
    All my products should be visible now.. finally

    Its awesome to really see some diverse uses of my meshes, keep going guys! and some ideas that i was playing with when i left brought to fruition by new devs.

    Finally a callout to all you guys, who have derived from my products, please leave me a message so i can drop by and thank you all, there's so many products that it's getting hard to keep track of deviations.
    And i think that's the best thing of all! Also a reminder that the Ethos New Developer Program Still Exists. Read the blog to find out the rest
Mein Raum


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Kontaktiere mich
I'm always happy to chat. however the following must be made clear first I am here to talk not to be 'picked up'. i have no interest in being your girlfriend, let alone fling. so any such actions will be counteracted with violence and me leaving I'm sure there are plenty of people happy to act out your fantasies, so go find one of them.
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Meine Gruppen Entdecke IMVU-Gruppen!

2336 Beiträge von 834 Mitgliedern
Australian Devs

256 Beiträge von 68 Mitgliedern
Doctor Who Fans!

427 Beiträge von 2043 Mitgliedern

113 Beiträge von 57 Mitgliedern

158 Beiträge von 243 Mitgliedern
Doctor Who Role Play!

416 Beiträge von 186 Mitgliedern
Professional Developers

3891 Beiträge von 5879 Mitgliedern
Red Dragon Inn

131 Beiträge von 262 Mitgliedern
Free and Open Source Software

6 Beiträge von 17 Mitgliedern
ETHOS! (The Official Fan Club)

40 Beiträge von 21 Mitgliedern
Inn With Vin

99 Beiträge von 23 Mitgliedern
The Intelligent People on IMVU

108 Beiträge von 63 Mitgliedern
The Copper Penny

4 Beiträge von 6 Mitgliedern
Long was to Gallifrey

79 Beiträge von 11 Mitgliedern
Meine Rankings
friendly Freunde 23
visitors Besucher 2117
kharma Geschenke 32
generosity Großzügigkeit 236

My Recent Visitors (0)
Meine Freunde(23)
Important: Please Note, I will not add Friends who I have never spoken to. If you would like to be a friend drop me a message to let me know who you are and I'll be happy to add you.
Meine Wunschliste
You know, come to think of it theres nothing that i really want. Instead spend your gift money on buying yourself one of my items, That way you get yourself something cool and support my work at the same time :)
Viking Brown 2messy curly hair brownSteampunk HairAlyss Brown/BlondeBrown Hair
Falling brown skirtspacerspacerspacerspacer

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