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Avatar seit: 2006-11-21
Age: 40
United States - CA
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"The Doctor is in..."

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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Ahhh what can be said about the glorious yet delightfully Mad ManaDix? Generous is she with her words and her gifts, to those she sees fit to bless. I have many MANY MANY friends, but she is amongst my favorite. Oh how I love those crazy crazy dames!
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Horror Movie Buffs!!!!!!!!

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Meine Freunde(25)
Dearest of friends, Though it seems a matter of years have passed, all of you have embraced me in all my forms and I thankyou for that. I know my indescisive behavior must be short of annoying, but still you tolerate me and I thankyou once again. I love all of you, from the bottom of my black heart, you are all that matter in my life, all that count and I'll be here till the day you die, faithfully by your side, whether you like it or not. Be amused by VioletUprising
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"Excuse me, but your teeth are in my neck"

I would like to personally thank those who have visited my page, and even more so applaud those who leave me messages, rather they be of a limited caliber or the purest of poetry--I thank you all the same.
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friendly Freunde 25
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[D™ Bonded Heels 1*L™ NuYear Blahq v1GO GO Dress 2{K} White FF Track Pants[V4NY] !Narcy! P.BkPurpl
[LF] CrA-Z Denim BodySIntense CorneaDevil Shudders*blinkie lollipop*[P] Sarah Burns~PVC
Blue Hosoi*E! Love kills slowly BkCyber Pirate RULE:Dspacerspacer

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