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Avatar seit: 2006-08-14
Age: 37
United States - AZ
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"Cute and clever"

See My Albums (1)

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Hey, how's it going? Since you're reading this, you must be curious as to who I am. I'm not 100% sure on what to say about myself. You probably know by now, I'm in love with foxes. In my eyes, they are a perfect blend between cats and dogs. Yes, I know they have no relation to cats but it's their personality I'm talking about. :P I'm not really to interested in music unless it has a message about hope, love, and friendship. Otherwise, it's just noise to me. I am hoping to become a developer soon, but I don't know when I'll be able to afford this. {If you'd like to help I'd be most appreciative. (Heh, worth a try right?)} I think I have a lot of potential as a Developer, and would like to give it a whirl. I'll post more later, but I must go for now. Have anything you'd like to know? Ask! You might even help me with an idea of what to put here. :D
Meine Wunschliste

Check out subkit's curvy creations here.

These are just things I would eventually like to own and plan on saving up for. Gifts are definitely not required but greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance to any generous soul wondering by here.
[ACS]HEART CANDLE LIGHTS10 Swimsuit Model Poses![M] 80 Doll  Dress LolaHowling Wolf Tattoo-O- Gray Wolf Skin (f)
moon wolfMidnight Stalker {B}White Shorts w/pantyBlack Flame Dragon Ver.2White Night Slip -Top
Curvy 1-piece Black {B}Curvy 1-piece Black {T}Vintage Glam BrownASF NemuiNoMamushi[L] Black Loli*B
Ruffled Gigi Brownspacerspacerspacerspacer
Mein Raum
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I don't know when I'll be able to get on and chat but try looking sometime between 12am and 8pm. Before and after those times, I'll most definitely be gone. :D
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