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Avatar seit: 2006-10-11
Alter: 57
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"How u Doin"

See My Albums (2)

If your thinking, "what was he thinking? with that colour scheme"
(and I'm sure you have heard it before)
but... Your browser really does suck.

The background for each of the panels are semi transparent. So browse with something other than IE and you will be able to see how the page should really look.
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
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Meine Wunschliste
Same deal as so many others, My wish list is to remind
me of what I would like to buy when I'm rich.
Of course that will never happen, so feel free to shower me
with pressies. And as mentioned, I'm broke, so I would not count on getting one back ;)
£ìç SpaceBubbles AnimateTorque Distressed-White602 White Textured Polo♥ Cliff SceneBig Bang Diner in Space
(L) Stranded! ~ Beach# Lotus & Sea /Soundspacerspacerspacer
Meine Rankings
Rankings Spankings
friendly Freunde 6
visitors Besucher 289
kharma Geschenke 5
generosity Großzügigkeit 79

Meine Freunde(6)
Growing old is mandatory
Growing up is optional.
Jemand Besonderes
CragglesOz has no special someone.
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CragglesOz doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Entdecke IMVU Gruppen! Teile Interessen, Erfolge, Tipps, Klatsch, Geschichten und sonst noch alles mögliche mit!
Coole neue Leute
Who Am I To Argue
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