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Clootie VIP Club-Mitglied
Avatar since: 6.03.2016

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i fell in love with the way you looked at me
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Other
Hello, welcome to my homepage. Have fun looking around on my page you stalker. You'll be able to read about me, my friends and family. Very well see you around. Don't be shy just say *hey* to me.
Hello, my name is Egan. right now I go through a streeset time so my mood swings like a crazy person. i started going on imvu to get away from my drama. Then i met sme amazing people. Some stayed and some didn't. Some hurt me really bad, while ohters were there to pull me back together. i'm sure you know who you are. Thank you for being there for me. I don't want to tell you much about me, you can always ask me about my life. I hate drama but right now Drama is my life. I got low self-esteem, I can't stop thinking that i'm not good enough. I got crazy mood swings, i'm genderfluid and polyamory.
I don't have that many friends. but those I have are enough. *** Axi you're my sissy, you know what to do to get me the right way. Yes you made me cry but you also picks me up after, love you sissy. *** Vanny you're my bro. You haven't been on a lot lately and it hurts like a bitch. come one man I miss you and I need you. So get your lazy ass on so I can talk to my bro. also so you can talk to sissy she really needs you. I love you Vanny. *** Peyton you been so good to me. You thinks so low about yourself. I really wish I could help you, but I guess I wasn't enough for you. Thank you for being there. I love you Peyton. P.s don't listen to what does assholes say about you you're perfect just like you are. *** Oliver you think way too low about yourself. but what you don't see is how strong you are. I mean come on you told you mother that you felt like a boy and stuff. Thant's something I would never be able to do. You and me got a long story together. It started around a year ago. You were the first to admit to have a crush on me. I found it so cute i couldn't really believe anyone would have a crush on me like that but you showed me that you could. *** Ashton you mean so much to me. We been through some shit. Too much drama if you ask me. We got two kids together Adam and Avery. I love them just a much as I love you. You better start liking yourself some more. Cause you're just so cute and everyone should love you. *** Jacky where are you going yo keep disapearing. I just want you here. but you're never around anymore. I hate when people stops coming around. Jacky I really love you. *** Raiden you're new to me. So i don't really know what to say about you yet. But thank you for coming into my life and taking care of me. I don't really think you know how to be around me yet. Cause i'm not that easy to be around. I love you Raiden *** Connor if you ever see this. Just know that i loved you so so so so much. Like I really do. I miss having you around. But I guess yet again I wasn't good enough. I hope I see you around. *** Niks, Josey, Simon, Jacob, Alex and Ahaii you been there but left me. I guess that's what happens when i'm not good enough. ***
I love everyone, even you, you stalker ;D
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