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Meine Gruppen Entdecke IMVU-Gruppen!
These are my favourite characters to use in roleplay.
I feel like they're a part of me trough all those posts I've written about them and they have become a way to recognize me.
When people see them in rp, They know it's me.
Always love to write about; Chress Agatha (CR), Chrri (CR) & Draco, and Josh (CR) Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket
Realm Of Randomness

3053 Beiträge von 280 Mitgliedern
World of Harry Potter and friends and enemiies

3129 Beiträge von 304 Mitgliedern

64 Beiträge von 47 Mitgliedern
Ballmore Boarding School

652 Beiträge von 14 Mitgliedern
Harry Potter Role-Playing Game

1589 Beiträge von 64 Mitgliedern
Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry

98 Beiträge von 9 Mitgliedern
HP-Roleplay at Hogwarts

1671 Beiträge von 4 Mitgliedern
Meine Wunschliste
romantic Join the group Piccy Central or send a order to piccyhelp@hotmail.com if you're interessted in getting a/some picture(s) made for you!

This wishlist contains 25 items and i'm really hoping for making it 0 one day:P short told; i would love a gift from you*Angelface*
*T* Sugar FrancyneANY SKIN Elf Ears Long F*T* Sugar Bambola[SD] Original Hotties!!*T* Sugar Hikari
*T* Sugar Sorrow[H] Fairy Dust 10 Poses[8O8] ALLUR3(BS) SEDUCTIVE StickerLorien Cloak
[M] Grecian G Headdress(BS) NAUGHTY in redspacerspacerspacer
Meine Videos
Über mich
Avatar Bild

Avatar seit: 2007-03-18
Age: 33
Last log on:

"I don\'t know...well I know...you know?"

See My Albums (1)

Well Hello, I'm CCC, yeah, I know it says Chrestal, but that's just one of the Cs. Long story short told; They from rpg know what I'm talking about.
I'm a roleplayer and writer of heart, my signature has been CCC these last days, so this account is rather old as it still is named Chrestal. But hey, if you want to buy me a name, go right ahead^^
Unfortunatly for all those who send me a friend request; I'm not accepting because I'm only talking with the people from my groups and people that say more than "hi"; I hate to have a bunch of people added as my friends when I don't even know how they use to spell that word. (hey, hi, hola, hello, there's many kinds!)...(I use 'ello^^)
To declare war against me you can already forget, you've already lost the battle when you declare.
Another thing I have to mention is my big proudness, my group "passion and despair" aka Panda for the members. I really love the group and thank all members that have made it to such a sucess. I promise I'll never stop posting as long as I have a choice, and I recommand everyone to take a look. Big kiss to my love and baby; panda.
One of many days I wish should be set as celebration day must be the day Imvu started with groups, that time i discovered roleplay and to tell the truth; I love it! Great training for me to later when I'm going to start in my work as a writer. Yup, keep your eyes open.
So far there's only one more thing to say, and that's; Have a magnificent day

Status: Interessted in someone
Jemand Besonderes
Chrestal has no special someone.
s Love: Im hollow without him.. Even if the days were going faster The nights going dreamless I wouldn't notice Because he's face is always there so the time is going slow and my dreams are always with him

My IMVU rp sis! brain she has this one, a little more sense than me^^ though, I miss her as it's long time since last. hope you do fine babe My imvu daddy! RUN! he's going to do the dance!! AHHH, can't run! la-ug-hi-ng soooo much! god, stop it's killing "meh". AHH now I'm using his accent too! *dies* ah, you know i've always been teh rebellion in the family;p just as you! rofl! luff yah paddy;p
My "sis"; What a wonderful person! means the world to me. Though we've never met i can't wait til the day we hopefully does. we can talk about anything and share the same opinions, you're the best girl and i luff you!
First time we met was in a wolf roleplay. I remember i comforted you when you were sad, I loved your way of rp from the very first start. But then I had to leave because of my low amount of time, it took a long time before we talked again, but we immediatly talked like if we should have done it forever when we first did. and now; now you're one of my most favourite person to rp with and a very dear friend. I love you hon!
God what a loving creature! A really god friend of mine from real life, elegant and with a winning personality; she's the best. Love to read like me, easy to talk with, and care so much for her friends that it's scary!
rofl, me and you in panda, crying and all, we rocks x] Lovelovelove Marius and Chress agatha together, perfect as ever will be. I have so fun posting with you girl, you rock!
PIE! my randomest over the randomest, the queen of all Random! Heads off to Gracie wacie^^ God, poor world when we and Jalice get together with E'o'Ms x] I luff you crazy!
Ah!! oh the rp! Toast for our active post who shall be marked into the poor human mind for ever Jalice! We quit? Nevah! x]
Oh o.O my self? Rofl, You're crazy Grace, You're insane Jalice, And I'm mental x] What a lovly mix^^
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