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Avatar seit: 2006-10-01
Alter: 44
United States - NV
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"Leave the gun, take the cannolis!"

See My Albums (1)

I'm not obessed with astrology at all, but I do know that I'm a Sagittarius with Pisces rising. I say I have the best of the fire and water signs out there. Others say that would lead me to be "Manic" I think it's all part of my charm! ;) My birthday is December 13. No, I'm not begging for gifts from anyone. Just stating a fact about my life. I never ask ANYONE for gifts in "real life" why would I beg on here? LOL

If you want to read my interests and things on my myspace page you can http://myspace.com/deliciousplsures Why did I pick deliciousplsures? It's going to be the name of a home business Oh and the layout on there is SLIGHTLY adult.

Yes, I have a "real" pic. No, I won't send it to you if I don't get to know you. No, it's not NUDE!

I am taken. I am very, VERY much in love with my man. We've been together 8 years now. We live together. We're faithful to one another. I won't judge you or anyone else if you have open relationships/marriages. That's your life and you're entitled to it. It doesn't work for us though. I respect you, I expect the same in return FROM you :)

If you're looking for "fun" whether it be cyber, phone, cam or actually "meeting" you're not going to get lucky with me Sorry! Good luck looking elsewhere :) Don't consider that to be a challenge either, because that will just get you told off and a kick to your 3D nether regions ;)

I'm here strictly to make new friends and chat with the friends and family I do have on here already. Nothing more.

I may be coming across as a very rude woman, but I'm not. I'm not intentionally rude unless I have a reason to be! I'm just laying out the ground rules for the men before they chat with me LOL I'm also quite sarcastic. If you're easily offended, I may not be the person you want to talk to

I am a girly-girl when it comes to love, but I enjoy sports and being active too. I don't mind getting my hands dirty. I am very generous - my mother says "to a fault" but I can't help it. So many wonderful people have helped me in life, I want to return the favor!

Oh, speaking of my mother, she's on IMVU too! SwissMiss54

If I haven't totally scared off every person (of either gender) and you still want to talk to me, feel free ;) I'd prefer if you were at LEAST 21 and older ... unless I personally know you

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Meine Freunde(7)
My Buddies are the BEST :) I am so lucky to have them!
Jemand Besonderes
CandiCayne2 has no special someone.
Meine Wunschliste
No, I don't expect gifts. If someone WANTS to, of course it would be greatly appreciated!

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to those who have purchased gifts for me! Your generosity was so kind and unexpected!

My main reason for having all of them listed here, is so I can easily find the items I'd like the most. That way I can purchase them without searching through the catalog all over again...when I have enough credits ;)
[V4NY] Tart Black1[V4NY] Dreamer Blue Eyes[V4NY] Anast. Black/PinkTwisted Stitches PlushieCoral Glow
[V4NY] BadGirl P-BootPP Couture Cocoa Red/GreRoaring Log Fire[M] J Heart Heels MintMint BraBaBe Dress
Pink Crush BraBaBe CamiLoren Jeans V1Sleepy Candy ShortsPink Crush StilettosPinkey the Monkey
Sleepy Candy Spag TopAA-Handspring Action FemAA-SuperHero Flightspacerspacer
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friendly Freunde 7
visitors Besucher 221
kharma Geschenke 7
generosity Großzügigkeit 20

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