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Avatar seit: 2007-12-20
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"Real People, Real Love, Real God, Virtual World!"

See My Albums (1)

Our Bling is for Members ONLY...All bling requests will be ignored and deleted! Many blessings from the Sovereign (AKA PhoenixBlade) and the Sovereigness (AKA AutumnPhoenix), co-owners of the IMVU group: Creators for the Cause of Christ Congregation and this homepage. We both use it for official group communications and other various functions related to the group.

It is with deepest sorrow and great victory, that we say see you soon to a member of our group, HolyWarriorOfGod. She has gone on to be with our Lord in eternity. Yet, we look forward to spending eternity with her. God bless dearest sister. This Sticker below will only be available for a short time and any and all profits will be used to fund our Holy Warriors of God Scholarship.

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The Creators for the Cause of Christ Congregation

If you are interested in joining our group...please leave a PRIVATE Message here.
The CCC Congregation

192 Beiträge von 32 Mitgliedern
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All JTeam images, videos, information, and etc are used with permission of Ivy Productions LLC, JTeam Cartoons. Copyright permission granted to Jayson Tench, IMVU name PhoenixBlade, for more information please contact ccccongregation@cogeco.ca
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The Avatar and Homepage known as CCCCongregation was created for and is intended to be a community face for the IMVU Group known as The Creators for the Cause of Christ Congregation (The CCCC). The CCCC was started, and owned and maintained by Jayson Tench, AKA PhoenixBlade with the help of his wife, Kelly Tench AKA AutumnPhoenix. It is not the intent of the owners nor the group to be misleading that is anything beyond that. While occassional chat occurs with this avatar, through the IMVU Chat Client, the avatar is mainly used for Catalogue images, maintaining order in the group and public room, and for offical communications from the group. It is not a bot nor affiliated with any persons on staff at IMVU. Also, this account does not accept group invites at all nor does it accept buddylist invites except for members of the groups. All products made through the catalogue with the account CCCCongregation are done so with permission by the members of the CCCC. Any permissions granted for use through the account CCCCongregation are to Jayson Tench whether the account name is CCCCongregation or PhoenixBlade with the expressed notion, and/or ramifications that it be used specifically for the catalogue associated with the account CCCCongregation only. May it also be noted that some credit donations, textures, and meshes have been donated or bought with permission that any credits made from items in the catalogue associated with CCCCongregation are to be kept for use in furthering the development of new items, for contests and/or sponsorship of new Content Creators. All credit records are available upon requests.
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Jemand Besonderes
CCCCongregation has no special someone.


Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”- Romans 12:12

A true believer in Jesus Christ with a strong knowledge of the Word of God; HolyWarriorOfGod is a true saint. She is an inspiration to all of us, for no matter our failings she saw our potential. Her gift of seeing the true wealth in God's children allowed her to hear your heart with discernment. The Holy Spirit spoke through her, giving words of hope to those God sent into her path. Building up her family and friends to be all that the Lord meant them to became her strongest gift. No matter what came along her path, she would pray at all times and her faith stayed strong through many trials.,BR>
HolyWarriorOfGod still touches and inspires many through her creative items, offering products of praise, worship, and ways to allow others to share their love for God on IMVU; and will continue to be seen and used by us all, up until our Lord's calling home or return. After a long battle with her body; the Lord has given her the greatest gift of all; eternity in His presence, and those left behind shall miss her greatly!

We use the Special Someone panel to highlight our Member of the Month.

For this month's Member of the Month's Catalogue; Click banner below.


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