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Avatar seit: 2007-04-16
Age: 41
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"you\'ll never know the whole me"

See My Albums (1)

"I know what it's like to want to die.
How it hurts to smile.
How you try to fit in but you can't.
How you hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside."

~Girl Interrupted~

"If it makes you happy, then I'm fine. If it makes you sleep at night, I am not suicidal. If it helps you stay ignorant, the scars that lace my body are not remnants or proof of how much self-hatred boils inside of me. If it keeps you from abandoning me, then I am not crazy.."

I am the darkness, I am the pain, I am the depression.
I'm the junkie, I'm the user, I'm the whore.
I am self destruction.
I'm everything you hate, everything you want to destroy.
But I'm a part of you, and I won't be denied.

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