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Meine Wunschliste
*Pc* Honey Irides*Pc* Black Madlan*Pc* PeepToe Ankle Boots*HC* Creme Amere*HC* Blonde Aubrey
! glitterpink trunda! blue pacman necklace! black XL ear-tunnels! pink XL ear-tunnels! pink sparkling plugz
! silver sparkling plugz! platinum camilla$EB ElectricBlueSkinnies!Lpg! Natural Cat Flick!F~ Batman
Multi Color Loyalty!F~ Raglan BlackFlannel Shirt Redspacerspacer
Über mich
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Avatar since: 19.07.2008

Age: 30
United States - MD
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keep your head up georgous, they would kill to see you fall.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Heyy there cupcake :)
I'm Taylor, and i like wearing bright colors :D
I live in frederick, maryland, live close? talk to mee.
send me an invite, i like talking xD

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