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You'd have thought that after however many years of me changing my profile I'd be a pro at HTML. But NOPE .

I'm a pro at line breaks, that's about it. So I'll stick with this profile until I stop being lazy.
Oh, I can do bold letters too. I'm a catch. ;)

Mi nombre es Daz. I'm a limey living in Yankeeland.
I'll be 21 soon, which is scary considering I haven't aged mentally since I was 16. I guess the older I get the better chance I have of getting an American accent.
On a more serious note I will always be someone who lives in the past so these profile edits can get depressing at times, but just be glad you didn't visit it last year. Anyways I have to go get groceries now so this is Daz tuning out. Ttyl bitchtits.


You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why
Your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows you kept mine



I do have friends really. I just can't do this one without sounding mushy, which goes for the love one too I guess. D:


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