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Avatar seit: 2007-11-04
Age: 32
Vereinigte Staaten
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"Never cease dreaming."

See My Albums (1)

Someday...The Dream Must End.

But until that day arrives, I will defy destiny. I will turn the wheel of Death back several revolutions.

...My name is Auron. And there is little much else about me that could be regarded as important.
In another time and place, I may have known you as a friend...Comrade, or associate. But my era has long come to pass. As of now, you may see me as merely a spectator in wordly events; or a narrarator, so to speak.

...Who am I? It would probably be better if you weren't aware. There is much about me that should, and will remain buried in the past. I can tell you this much however:

...I am always watching over you. There isn't really much more to explain. But..If you are still curious, ask. You may find an interest in what it is I am writing.

This is your world...But this is MY story.

..And maybe. Just maybe...You may find a place in it as well.

UPDATE 9/29/2015: I will continue to periodically update this as time goes on/as I see fit. I have a few characters now in FFXIV on the Balmung server. (Widely regarded as the RP server.) My main character there is Hyuponia Lunamaesta, and my home is in the Lavander Beds housing district Ward 6, Plot 58. My Skype is Hyuponia@hotmail.com as well. Drop by for RP or to otherwise catch up. I should still remember who you are if you mention yourself by name/IMVU nickname when you add me. IMVU won't let me send messages again until I've downloaded the client and dinked about with it, so I'll leave it to the descretion of whoever checks my profile to get in contact with me. Until then, farewell.
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
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(216) Black Class ShoeBrad HeadICO Blk Spades Gun M L[PM] Pipo Black Hair[FC]Hellsing Gloves
(n)alucard specsAlucard Neck TieAlucard Hat + Hair[ST] Alucard Coat*10 Shuffle soft* dance
! ~ Sexy Dancing ~[LP]Erotic Dance #2 {F}spacerspacerspacer
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