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As the radius of knowledge grows, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it
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Here is a list of links. They are especially useful to devs. There is some very useful stuff there if you wish to learn how to be a developer.

Useful links for everyone:

Manage your inventory, useful for all! Find it here

Try it for rooms and furniture on gaf210's page. Useful for shopping. Find it here

Useful links for devs:

IMVU's virtual goods policy, something every dev must know of VGP

A short list of words that are rated GA here

Minimum coverage skin. Test your products in the client. It's free. Get it here

Gimp, a free yet powerful graphics tool. Get it here

Mayu22's basic deving tutorial. It's very good and I suggest starting there. Go there

How to make a tank top tutorial here

Keef's page, tutorials, meshes and other useful bits here

KittenKat's page, full of meshes and links here

Link collection for devs here

Link to thread that shows you how to add a try it button for your rooms and furniture in product pages here

A link to a thread with code for an extra wishlist it button the product page here

Hellstrongs page with cache cleaner. Very useful to devs since it forces your client to update the products enabling you to see the latest changes. Find it here
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